Woot Math Owl


Engaging opportunities for class discussion and interaction.
  • Instant Data
  • Display Student Work
  • Intelligent Grouping


Students can develop, practice and demonstrate conceptual fluency.
  • Adaptive Learning
  • A growing library of OER tasks
  • Task Creation Tools


Getting students to engage with and talk about math is what we live for:
  • Team Mode
  • Math Jam
  • Themed Escape Rooms
Woot Math's activities are based on leading educational research, and proven effective in the math classroom.
Learn more >>

“By enabling my students to see
that they are not alone in their
math struggles and confusions,
Woot Math promoted a more
courageous attitude and turned
mistakes into learning opportunities.”

“My students enjoy the
quick pace of Woot Math. They like
the rewards, "Woots" and all the other
accolades they receive when
they complete a level. I LOVE the
visual piece - having the students
experience the models along with
the computation. I love Woot Math!”
"Woot Math Polls have been
great for my Algebra I class.
We use them as openers or exit
tickets giving me and the students
an immediate view of how well
they are understanding the material.
It's nice to have an engaging formative
assessment tool that's quick and
easy to use and is directly aligned
with the content standards."

“I love that Woot Math
pushes students to
show their thinking with
multiple representations
so I know students really
understood the why.”

“I recommend Woot Math
because it provides meaningful
instruction and practice for
students at all levels.”

“Woot Math is a user friendly
product that delivers on the promise
of making foundational rational
number concepts more accessible
to students of all grade levels.
This engaging and powerful app
has helped to bridge the gap
in my students' learning.”

“I love the way Woot Math uses
word problems in conjunction with
virtual manipulatives to encourage
conceptual understanding of fractions.
Many of my students can now
divide fractions in their heads!
Thank you so much.”

“80% of my tier two and tier
three RTI students improved at
least one grade level since the
beginning of the school year.”

“Woot does a phenomenal job
of progress reporting that
makes it teacher-friendly. I
also use Woot Math to give
my students more exposure
to fraction manipulatives
that we can't always use
in direct instruction.”
“Using our STAR Math scores,
I measured that students who
had completed the Woot Math
sequence scored in the 79th% and
students who had not scored in the
60th%. It is a strong result, and
it made me glad our elementary
school chose to use Woot Math.”

“My new go-to way to start or end
my class. I use it almost daily
as a quick formative assessment,
an exit ticket or to check
homework. My students love
it and it is so easy to use!!”
“Woot Math has given me an
efficient way to take students
from concrete to abstract
understanding of fractions. Thanks
to Woot Math's multiple
representations and models, my
students are now able to visualize
the problems they are solving.”
“My students absolutely LOVE
Woot Math! I love hearing the
excitement in their voice when
they say, "I got a WOOT!" And
Woot Math has absolutely
helped them work with fractions.
On a recent test my students
scored a 99% on all questions
related to fraction definition
and unit fractions.”

“Woot Math Polls allows me to
direct and individualize my instruction
by giving me a way to quickly
and easily evaluate students informally.”

“Woot Math Polls' ability to
improve student discourse is perfect
to help our teachers implement
high quality Formative Assessment
as a means for targeting
student needed support.”

“What is powerful is how Woot Math
allows teachers to facilitate
rich and relevant conversations about
student work in real time.”
“Woot Math gives me instant
insight into my students'
understanding with actual
examples of student work that
goes beyond right and wrong
answers. I love that I can share
examples and have my students
help pinpoint mistakes.”


Academics' Choice Award
Institute of Education Services
National Science Foundation
Digital Promise
“Which Edtech Companies Are Producing
the Best Research-Based Products?”
Winner, Top Evaluation Research: Woot Math
— EdSurge, Digital Promise, Nov 9, 2016